Water Testing Program

Farm Water Systems has partnered with global leader ALS Labs to conduct and complete water testing on farms, as understanding your source water is key to providing the best solutions for your specific water needs.  We offer the following three water testing analysis packages, but can customize any water testing as required.  Contact Farm Water Systems at (780)-930-2929 or online to arrange a time for us to come and sample your water, then discuss treatment options that suit your particular water.

  1. CQM

Includes Total Coliform and E.Coli

     2. General Potability

Includes pH, EC, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, F, NO2 -N, NO3-N, PO4, SO4, Fe, Mn, HCO3, CO3, OH, Alkalinity, Hardness, TDS, Turbidity (NTU) and True Color

     3. Oxidation Demand

Includes GP + BOD, COD, and H2S

Managing and optimizing your water resources starts with a solid understanding of your

#1 – Contaminant levels – After collecting a water sample,  lab results are thoroughly reviewed to determine what contaminants are in your source water.

#2 – Existing Infrastructure – An onsite visit and discussion brings light to issues that may be impacting your water, or may be affected by your water.

          #3 – Daily usage (including peak demand times) – A thorough understanding of your specific needs will be incorporated into any water treatment proposal.

To help with this, Farm Water Systems can conduct several different types of water testing and analysis similar to the one displayed below.

Certificate of analysis

For More Information

With a solid understanding of your farm’s source water and usage requirements, an effect, efficient, and economical water treatment system and infrastructure plan can be put into place.  To find out more information about this service please contact Farm Water Systems at (780) 930-2929 or email us at [email protected].  Let us help you improve your water – an essential component to a successful operation!

water testing
water testing